Professional Chiropractor For All Types Of Pain Treatment
Back pain is the second most common symptom-related reason for physical therapy in the United States. Up to 84% of adults have low back pain at some time in their lives, with sciatica affecting up to 40% of those with Low Back Pain . The long-term outcome of low back pain is generally favorable, but persistent symptoms affect millions of individuals. Sciatic Nerve Pain accounts for approximately 5% of people with nerve pain who go on disability, and for up to 75% of the costs associated with low back pain. Noninvasive intervention, such as physical therapy is an important tool that can play a significant role in reducing healthcare costs. What is Sciatica? The term sciatica describes the symptoms of leg pain-and possibly tingling, numbness or weakness-that originate in the lower back and travel through the buttock and down the large sciatic nerve in the back of the leg. Sciatica is not a medi...